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The tragic murder-suicide of Fannie Uresti on Christmas Day has left her family devastated and in mourning. Uresti was shot to death by her husband, Roberto Hernandez, who then turned the gun on himself. The couple’s three children, including a 14-year-old girl, were in the home at the time of the shooting.

The family is now speaking out in an effort to raise awareness about domestic violence and help other victims who may be suffering in silence. Uresti’s mother, Rosa Salinas, has been vocal about the need for victims to seek help and for society to better support those in danger.

According to Uresti’s sister, Rosangelica Martinez-Delacruz, Uresti had been planning to divorce her husband, indicating that she was taking steps to leave the abusive relationship. Salinas also revealed that Uresti had been trying to seek help, but the system failed her. Despite reporting that her husband was tracking her movements, Uresti was allegedly sent home with a packet of domestic violence resources and no further action was taken.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, the family is receiving support from the Texas Crime Victim’s Assistance Compensation fund to cover funeral costs. They have also set up a GoFundMe page to help provide for the three children left without parents.

This heart-wrenching story serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers of domestic violence and the need for better support systems to help those in vulnerable situations. It’s a call to action for communities to stand up against abuse and to provide resources and assistance for those in need.

The family’s courage to speak out despite their grief is an inspiration and a testament to their love for Fannie Uresti. It’s a plea for greater awareness and action to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.